Alex Intlekofer


It started with his master thesis, now he is leading a team.

In an interview with Marco Müller, Head of Global Marketing, he reveals why he chose Axetris, what motivates him and where he sees herself in an exciting, future-oriented company like Axetris.

When and how did you come across Axetris?
II came across Axetris AG at the Polymesse at ETH Zurich in 2012. At the time, I was a student in the field of microtechnology and looking for a master's thesis in an industrial environment. On the one hand, I was fascinated by the products that Axetris develops. On the other hand, I found the conversations with the employees and the HR at the Axetris booth very open and cordial.

How would you describe your job at Axetris?
After my master thesis, I first started as an engineer. Soon after, I was allowed to lead my first projects, which became bigger and more complex over time. Since the beginning of 2022, I have been leading a newly created group, which I was allowed to design and build myself. The goal of the group is to develop innovative MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical system) components for gas sensors. 
What are your biggest motivating factors?

What are your biggest motivating factors?
I really enjoy working with the team. The different backgrounds of the employees lead to exciting discussions and innovative solutions. In addition, there are new challenges every day, especially in research and development - that makes the work extremely interesting and varied.

What tip would you give to a new employee?
As a medium-sized SME, there is a lot of scope to contribute your own ideas. Take advantage of the opportunities!

What do you do when you are not working?
I enjoy being out in nature with my wife and our daughter. In the summer, for example, we go hiking and swimming, and in the winter we go sledding or skiing.  Perfect when you are surrounded by mountains and lakes!

Jobs at Axetris

Exciting tasks and development opportunities