Jürgen Noack


From beeing a client to working at Axetris, it's all possible here.

In an interview with Karin Krummenacher, Academy Manager, he reveals why he chose Axetris, what his motivation is and where he sees himself in an exciting, future-oriented company like Axetris.

When and how did you come across Axetris?
In my former professional life, I worked for many years in the semiconductor industry as the head of custom development. For several years Axetris was my customer and I was allowed to contribute to the qualification of the infrared source as an engineering service provider. Since then, the topic has never left me and I realized that my heart still beats for semiconductors. So when the position for Global Sales Manager was advertised, I applied.

How would you describe your job at Axetris?
As Global Sales Manager for Axetris' infrared source, I consult with customers worldwide in a variety of industries. In this role, I work closely with product management, application engineering and our development department.

What are your biggest motivating factors?
It gives me great pleasure when I have been able to successfully guide customers to their solution. My product is part of products that protect human lives and our environment.  Convincing our international customers of Axetris together with my colleagues is the right challenge for me.

What tip would you give to a new employee?
She/he should find an experienced confidant who can help build a successful network. This person will take enough time to answer questions, making the start in the new company easier.

What do you do when you're not working?
I am a family man of two grown-up daughters and so I always look forward to bike tours, hikes or a fine meal together, because I also like to cook. For more than 30 years I have been active in the SLRG, the Swiss Life Saving Society. At that time I met my wife at a life-saving competition in Germany. I regularly go on tandem trips with the Blind Welfare Association.

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