Leticia Neves


My migration background does not play a role at Axetris, diversity is normality for us.

In an interview with Marco Müller, Head of Global Marketing, she reveals why she chose Axetris, what motivates her and where she sees herself in an exciting, future-oriented company like Axetris.

When and how did you come across Axetris?
In the spring of 2017, I heard about the position in production from an acquaintance who had already worked at Axetris. I then applied and started as an operator in the area of wafer production.

How would you describe your job at Axetris?
My current responsibilities as a shift supervisor are to do the detailed planning in the front-end area and to monitor the production flow. 

What are your biggest motivating factors?
The complex and varied tasks in the cleanroom and the teamwork. 

What tip would you give to a new employee?
As an operator at Axetris you must be flexible and able to meet deadlines in order to deliver orders on time.

What do you do when you are not working?
As a mother, I like to take care of housekeeping and family management, with a little time for gardening on the side.  At home we all share the passion for traveling. 

Jobs at Axetris

Exciting tasks and development opportunities