Sandra Häberli


As a woman, you are still a rarity as an engineer. At Axetris, we're changing that.

In an interview with Marco Müller, Head of Global Marketing, she reveals why she chose Axetris, what your motivation is and where she sees herself in an exciting, future-oriented company like Axetris.

When and how did you come across Axetris?

In the summer of 2008, I was looking for a new challenge and became aware of Axetris through an employment agency. The interaction at Axetris was very open and motivating, so I decided to come here. 

How would you describe your job at Axetris?

In Sensor Development we are responsible for developing new products or continuously improving existing ones. Thereby I have the possibility to participate in different projects or to lead them. In particular, specifying, implementing and testing the sensor measurement process are among my core tasks. 

What are your biggest motivating factors?

At Axetris, you can get involved and actively make a difference. As a person, you have a voice and are not just one of many. In particular, it is always a great feeling when a new product is launched on the market that you yourself have helped to develop.  

What tip would you give to a new employee?

It takes a bit of patience in the beginning to figure out how everything works and is connected. However, most colleagues are happy to help with any questions. 

What do you do when you're not working?

During the summer months you can often find me hiking in the mountains. In general, I'm very active and also like to air my head during the week with sports. Otherwise, I'm always up for an exciting game night or a leisurely meal with friends. 

Jobs at Axetris

Exciting tasks and development opportunities