Mass and Atomic Spectroscopy

A variety of Mass Spectrometry (MS) techniques – such as Quadrupole MS, Time-of-Flight (TOF) MS, Ion Mobility Spectroscopy (IMS), etc. have been developed in the past decades, providing new tools for material analyses.

Flow control for mass spectrometry requires high repeatability and small temperature- and pressure dependency. This is important to achieve a high resolution for measurement results. Depending on the size and electrical interface requirements, the Axetris MFC modules or MFC standalone types are ideal choices for MS applications.

Atomic Spectroscopy - a Powerful Analytical Technique

In addition to mass spectrometry, there are a number of other analytical techniques that are classified as atomic spectroscopy. These include analytical techniques that use inductively coupled plasma (ICP). Atomic spectroscopy is becoming increasingly important in mercury analysis, not only due to rising environmental awareness. This results in high requirements for mass flow control, such as high repeatability or an excellent dynamic range.

Unleashing the Analytical Power of ICP Using Axetris MFCs

Inductively Coupled Plasma combined with a Mass Spectrometer (ICP-MS) or an Optical Emission Spectroscope (ICP-OES) are extremely popular atomic spectroscopy techniques. Applications are wide-ranging within environmental, food, pharmaceutical and semiconductor industries. Typically, ICP is an argon plasma reaching temperatures of up to 10'000 K, allowing complete atomization of the analyte into elements for analysis. Gas flow control plays a critical role in maximizing analytical performance of ICP techniques. Plasma and auxiliary flows support plasma generation and control. How precisely we can measure gas flow, influences the quality of plasma heavily. The gas flow of the so-called nebulizer should be highly reproducible to achieve high detection limits. And, nevertheless, coolant gas flow should provide enough control resolution across a wide dynamic range to maintain system stability.

The advantages of Axetris` Mass Flow Controllers in ICP applications

Precise gas flow control with no overshoot allows sensitive control of the plasma generator, and quick delivery of the collision and/or reaction gas to the MS collision cell. Reproducible gas flow control minimizes instrument drift. The unmatched dynamic range and low flow capability of Axetris` Mass Flow Controllers means analytical flexibility without compromising on control resolution. A quick settling time of 150 ms supports rapid and dependable switching between different modes, e.g. vented cell and pressurized cell mode for mass spectrometers. And a minimal leak rate of 10-5 mbar l/s He through the solenoid valve offers an excellent positive shut-off.