New Management of the Leister Group

Leister Insight1 Feb 2021

For succession reasons the Board of Directors has appointed Martin Zingg as the new Group CEO of the Leister Group as of April 1, 2021. At the same time, the current CEO, Beat Mettler, will be elected as a member of the Board of Directors of the Leister AG.

as per notification of the Board of Directors dated 01.02.2021

With Martin Zingg it has been possible to find a highly qualified and internationally experienced successor for the long-standing CEO Beat Mettler. In his function as CCO, Martin Zingg has been a member of the Executive Management of the Leister Group since 2019. During this time Martin Zingg has familiarized himself with various topics in Switzerland and abroad and gained experience in working with the Board of Directors. With this experience Martin Zingg has all the prerequisites to successfully continue the growth strategy of the Leister Group.

At his own request Beat Mettler will hand over his CEO function to Martin Zingg on April 1, 2021 after 17 successful years in the Leister Group and will use his experience to help shape and accompany the further development of the Group. The shareholders and the Board of Directors welcome the internal succession plan at the top of the Group and Beat Mettler's willingness to accept the election to the Board of Directors. This ensures the continuation of the Group's long-term strategy of expanding the global market position and maintaining the financial independence of the Leister Group.