Measuring Gases

Science and Research


Science and Research

Investment in a Brighter Future

Research and continuous development is one of the most important pillars of a sustainable future. At Axetris, where more than half of the employees have a scientific background, we are acutely aware of this. As a leading manufacturer of components and systems for optical gas measurement technology, we have specialized in the fields of environmental and medical technology. Many universities have already successfully implemented research projects in these fields using Axetris products. Application-specific adaptations for functional samples can often be implemented at short notice as well. Contact us and talk to us about your project idea!

Perfectly suited for testing and evaluating EMIRS infrared sources.

Science and Research

Support from the first minute
Universities and Research
Pre-Project Phases and Start Ups

For innovative products, the choice of components may have far-reaching consequences, both technologically and commercially. Quick and evidence based validation in the early project phase is therefore crucial. For gas sensors based on NDIR or PAS, Axetris with its infrared sources offers an efficient and uncomplicated way to select the appropriate components from the very beginning.

Science and Research
Why choose Axetris as a place to work?

Because as an innovative and forward-looking company, we drive meaningful projects that improve the world long-term. We benefit from the diversity of our skills and continue writing our success story together.

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